Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21 - Week 7.....1/2

I'm almost on week 8!!  Crazy how time flies here...It's so true that the days go by like weeks but the weeks go by like days.

OKAY.  So many sad, happy, amazing, miraculous, weird, odd things happened this week.

1. We were FINALLY able to have 4 lessons with 3 less-active members of our ward we've been trying to get a hold of this entire transfer.  And we had the coolest lesson with a less-active, Robby.  He told us right after we said a prayer with him, "wow, I finally feel the Spirit again. Don't leave!" It was the perfect opportunity to talk to him about his baptismal covenant that if he keeps his end of the deal, he will "always have the Spirit to be with him."  Also, he told us that he started drinking at school but that he's been trying so hard to stop.  He told us he recognizes the difference between fleeting pleasures like getting drunk and partying and of true happiness, like innocent, wholesome fun that occurs when he hangs out with members.  We also had a cool lesson with Monica and Meagan and set another couple up with other less active members these next few weeks.

2. ODD STORY. A member of a family ward, Sister Wilson, called us and invited us over to dinner the next day to talk to her inactive son who wanted to come back to church to live a better life and eventually find a wife (I'm in a singles' ward, if you remember haha...lots of matchmaking occurs at church every week). So we go over to her house to meet her boy, Logan, and talk to him about activities he can come to and church and all that jazz.  We go inside and there are flies EVERYWHERE.  And this woman was HUGE.  When she sat down her belly rested on the floor...then she told us about her boyfriend who is 22 (her son Logan's age)...and then we found out that she is 49!!!  Weird, right?  It's not over yet. She wasn't finished making dinner, so we waited and asked if she needed help but she said no.  Instead, she had her son Logan finish dinner and then she sat on the couch in the living room (a separate room away from the kitchen where we are) and started looking at her sticker collection (yes, that's right, her sticker collection. That was kinda cool to see, though).  So dinner's all ready and she gets up and tells us that she'll just sit in the other room while us (me and 3 other sisters) eat.  Logan's just standing awkwardly saying he already ate but watching us eat and we felt weird so we weren't talking and for some reason random people kept coming in and out of the kitchen and leaving and coming inside the house (but really, there were 4 or 5 different people who came in and meandered around the house and then left).  And the mom, Sister Wilson, was still sitting in a different room, looking at her stickers.  And there were a few boxes stacked right behind the chair I was sitting in and two CATS were eating their food right behind my head and one of them tooted and it smelled and there were flies everywhere and then this crazy lady came in and told Logan to give him a kiss and he did and then she was like, "kiss me again!" and......yep. That's basically it.  SO. WEIRD.

3. Ray's baptism got postponed :( He had his interview on Tuesday and told Elder Mair, our zone leader, that he had smoked on Monday.  It was really sad.  We went in and talked to Ray and soon as he saw us he started BAWLING.  He said he felt so bad and that he tried so hard to stop.  It was really sad to see him like that and we all ended up crying together, but we told him that this gospel is one of change and becoming better, and that just needs to try his best to follow Jesus Christ and repent.  Ray hasn't slipped up, now :) His baptismal date is changed to November 2nd and we're glad, because then we realized he still has some questions he needs to gain a testimony of.

4. We also had to move our 2 other investigators dates back unfortunately.  All 3 of them are struggling with addictions and need more time to overcome them.  But they are doing so well, and striving to overcome them.  Sister De Rurange and I gave up treats and sweets to help them.  We said, "if you're giving up something, so are we." And now it's pretty cool because they have a support system:)  Also, I feel much better not eating junk food!

5. We're teaching my friend Jenee Hjelmstad's family, the Foleys.  They are AMAZING.  I'll write more about them later because I'm running out of time.

I think we've been having so much success because this week my companion and have taken President Hinckley's dad's advice: "forget yourselves and get to work."  And I feel SO happy right now:)  It's true that when you forget yourself in the service of the Lord, you find yourself.  This week has been one of the hardest on the mission, but one of the most rewarding, and the happiest so far.  Here's to another week on the mission!  Only 73 more to go! :) I love you all!

With love,

Sister Nikole Decker

P.S. Scriptures to look up for peace and comfort:
Isaiah 41:10
John 14:27
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Nephi 1:20
Jacob 3:1
Jacob 4:7
Mosiah 4:27
Mosiah 24:13-14
Alma 7:12
Alma 26:27
Alma 38:5
Ether 12:27
D&C 6:32-36
D&C 58:2-4
D&C 122:7-9
Helaman 5:12

P.P.S. AMAZING thing I came upon in the scriptures to help people understand the importance of being baptized into Jesus Christ's restored church:
John 14:6,27 & Matthew 11:28-30 - How do we come unto Christ?
Matthew 7:13-14 answers that question, but what is the gate?
2 Nephi 31:17, 2 Nephi 33:9, and John 3:5 answer what the gate is.  But how do we know the Book of Mormon verses are of God just as the Bible verses are?  And how do I know that baptism is God's will?
2 Nephi 31:10-13, James 1:5, Moroni 10:3-5, 2 Nephi 33:10 answers that question: just ask.  And the scripture in Matthew (can't remember the reference) that says, "Ask and ye shall receive."

I am so grateful for scripture study.  It's incredible the things you learn when you really dive into the scriptures.  Love you all!!

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