Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11th - BUSY week!

Dear family and friends,

Hi! This week is the last of the transfer! Sister Harmer and I find out if we get moved around or not on Friday. I don't know what's going to happen this time around...guess we'll see!

This week was great! Most of our investigators are moving to go to school elsewhere which is a bummer haha, but it's also a tender mercy because now Sister Harmer and I have more time to find new people to teach. We've been booked with teaching appointments (again, not
complaining) so it'll be fun to go out and find more people. We've also been booked with random doctor appointments and car appointments and such so we've been struggling to find new investigators in the time in-between. Again - tender mercy :)

RQ's baptism is this weekend and Sister Harmer and I are stoked! I can't wait for him to enter the gate to Celestial glory :) I know this work is true and I know that the Book of Mormon brings us close to Christ, especially because RQ didn't have much of a religious background at all and he now knows from reading and praying that Jesus is his Savior. It's so neat!

RQ is so funny. He is trying so hard to keep the Word of Wisdom for his baptism and doesn't want to mess up, so he texted us the other day and asked if lemonade is tea. We said no, but told him to take a picture and show it to us to make sure. Haha he showed us the picture and it was a bottle of "Simply Lemonade!" He is so sweet and sincere in his desire to do what is right.

He is so ready as well! He passed his interview and it made him STOKED for his baptism on Saturday :) Lots of picture to come on that.

I can't remember too many details from this week, but I do remember that Sister Harmer and I laughed TONS! It was great :) I always feel so privileged and humbled to work with her - she is an incredible missionary - she will very soon be a great leader and hopefully bring a new missionary into the field. She would be incredible at it! I love her so so much. It's a hoot and a half to be her companion!

Dad, you'll really like this news: I got my driving privileges back!!!
Just a 3-hr driving class later haha. So now I can drive in the mission field! Yay! It's a win-win. I like driving more, Sis. Harmer likes being a passenger more.

Well, sorry it's so short this week! I'll try to be more interesting next week, promise.

Love y'all, remember that you are a loved child of God :)


Sister Kolee Decker :)

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